![alt text](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1990590/capsule_616x353.jpg?t=1654929244)
#### VERSION: Final
#### LANGUAGE: English (Official)
#### STEAM: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1990590/Nightmare_Hunter/
#### DIRECT LINKS (Otomi Games): https://otomi-games.com/nightmare-hunter/ (Multi Links)
#### SUPPORT US: https://otomi-games.com/supporter/ (Support if you love website and get more benefits ^^)
This game keeps randomly freezing up, any idea what could be causing this? This isn't the only game I've had this issue on either, some other games like it have the same issue, Fox Girls Never Play Dirty is the other title it happens on.
This game really has issues, the screen randomly freezes and I've got no clue what the cause is, the weird part here is the fact the whole game doesn't actually lock up, sound and gameplay still continue, whatever renders the screen just stops working, I've missed a lot of content because of this and it can happen at any time.
Is this the Steam release with a crack or got from a different website? There are no Steam files so it might not be from Steam.
Issue solved here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1738520/discussions/0/3186862118581559861/
"You must:
open Nightmare Hunter\www\js\rpg_core.js with Notepad/Notepad++
go to line 1870
`if (this._skipCount === 0) {`
`if (this._skipCount <= 0) {`
And done no more freeze."
Most RPG Maker games that have that line of code will have the freezing issue.
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