OP has intentionally or unintentionally not seeded 0.01% of this torrent. If you don't see any seeders in the tracker, don't download from this source.
Anyone else have boxes around the characters face? I think its for changing the characters expressions but there's a clear box outline around each characters face.
Is this a fucking joke? It's been since the torrent is here that I am leeching and I am still stuck at 99%... after being stuck for hours at 75%. What a joke.
And no, Periah, those who didn't steal the game also have this problem.
The worst is that I found other means to get the content of this shitty torrent and it crashed on Windows Seven the moment I launch the game...
Will have to find something else to read. :(((((
Comments - 8
bassgs435 (uploader)
bassgs435 (uploader)