A week later and not a single download’s been completed successfully? Gotta question the intelligence of anyone who uploads a torrent but fails to seed the very first file transfer – even more so when the total file size is so small…
Slow Rhythm #3 is in pack 3601-3700
Slow Rhythm #2 is in pack 3401-3500
don’t know where #1 is, but you can get it from xxx comics org; they have all 3 chapters in possible higher quality? since the file size is x3-4 larger
Comments - 10
no quality loss, no seeds either
I will laught if JPEGXL inside.
It’s definitely just jpegxl or else they wouldn’t bother to stipulate that
anyways these aren’t new, they’re from the batch releases so anyone that downloads that will already have these.
Does anyone know what happened to hentai nexus?
hentai nexus they shut down the server
Sad. It was my go-to site for some Fakku/Irodori titles that aren’t here.
We also lost hentai.cafe :/
A week later and not a single download’s been completed successfully? Gotta question the intelligence of anyone who uploads a torrent but fails to seed the very first file transfer – even more so when the total file size is so small…
@colonel30 @DarksideEmu It’s in this pack https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3090361
Slow Rhythm #3 is in pack 3601-3700
Slow Rhythm #2 is in pack 3401-3500
don’t know where #1 is, but you can get it from xxx comics org; they have all 3 chapters in possible higher quality? since the file size is x3-4 larger