Title: Knot Fiction!
Original title: ノットフィクション!
Length: Short (2 - 10 hours)
Year: Japan 2019-01-25, English Patch 2020-12-19
Developer: Hachimitsu Soft
Publishers: Hachimitsu Soft
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Translation: Kakugo Translations
Even though she and the protagonist Yuu are married, their relationship is still like that of an older sister and a child. There’s plenty of teasing and doting, and of course plenty of ecchi from a rather forward girl.
You need to change system locale to Japanese.
Start ihs.exe; click on the second button(above DirectX); choose install directory and click on the first button at the bottom; start with knotfiction.exe
Known problems:
The VN refuses to close when you press “X” - No idea why this happens. It’s a bug with the original JP release. The only way to exit the game without
"hard-shutting down" the process is to load a scene from the VN (or start a new game), then go back to
Title Screen, and then press “Quit”. Otherwise, it doesn’t work. Also, pressing “Quit” right after you
launch the VN doesn’t work. Seems to be a coding bug with the original JP release.
The font is a piece of shit - Yes, we were powerless here too. If anyone knows how we can make that font look less shitty, please let
us know. We kinda had to settle with what we were given there. Luckily, our other projects likely won’t
have this shitty font problem.
Selecting “Fullscreen” for display in the config screen can cause the game to crash - It seems to happen randomly. Just use “Borderless” instead. We never had the game crash on us using that option.
The text display speed is kinda weird - Yes, another thing we couldn’t fix. Blame this on SystemC. For some reason, it tends to ignore the text display
speed you set in the config menu for the 2nd and 3rd of text, and instead just instantly displays those no matter
what text display speed you set. My advice is to set it to almost instant or completely instant to make your
experience reading it less annoying.
Source: the readme.txt file
Comments - 10
ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! too much vanilla!!! I’m being purified!!!
needs moar ntr
thx for the upload
i wish she’d get the knot
how do I change the resolution in windowed mode?
I don’t if you can, but I recommand you use Sizer. It’s a small, free program that let you resize any window you want. Having a small screen myself, it was really handy.
god bless this TL group, i was craving for more lovey dovey marriage scenario in my eroges lately (blaming it on Niizuma Lovely x Cation
), so this is a perfect Xmas gift
tho it kinda sucks that the author decided not to gave them a child by looking at VNDB’s tag, it would add more flavor to the plot for me
also, the title is a pun for Not-Fiction, lmao
the antivirus marked ihs.exe with a dangerous object… someone could confirm?
@bjkl prolly false positive, i’ve never get into any troubles with superelmo’s torrents
Won’t even start.
superelmo (uploader)
Not true. The VN is working perfectly fine if you follow the instructions. The problem is on your end.
There is an V1.1 update available on the Kakugo Translations site: https://kakugotranslations.wordpress.com/2020/12/26/a-short-announcement/.
It fixes the awkward word wrap and bad font issue.