Fatal error usually caused by out dated MS Visual C++ (search vcredist), missing DirectX package, or graphics driver needing an update.
DLsite page specifies DirectX-11 being required, check to see if your card has support by using Windows+R and type “dxdiag” to see the version supported by your card.
I keep clicking “OK” on the error, but as besttony123 mentioned, it’s an infinite loop every time I click on it.
Prick, I just checked and I do have DirectX 11. And I just updated my graphic card to the latest drivers, but I still get the same error.
I scanned the whole game and don’t detect any malware so it’s most likely safe, but since everyone else seems to be getting the error, I’m guessing the torrent is corrupted?
Comments - 10
Game causing Fatal error everysingle time and loops…
Fatal error usually caused by out dated MS Visual C++ (search vcredist), missing DirectX package, or graphics driver needing an update.
DLsite page specifies DirectX-11 being required, check to see if your card has support by using Windows+R and type “dxdiag” to see the version supported by your card.
not missing out on much, game is garbage
Azucat …
ironically , think like this garner lots of attention. despite all of attention is not praise.
This game is not working for me either. I am getting Fatal Error:
CriAtom:LoadAcbFile(CriFsBinder, String, String)
I keep clicking “OK” on the error, but as besttony123 mentioned, it’s an infinite loop every time I click on it.
Prick, I just checked and I do have DirectX 11. And I just updated my graphic card to the latest drivers, but I still get the same error.
I scanned the whole game and don’t detect any malware so it’s most likely safe, but since everyone else seems to be getting the error, I’m guessing the torrent is corrupted?
It doesn’t seem to be a Windows library error, but rather a corruption of the game data when uploading or production.
You need 1.003
v1.000 is shared here and no crash at startup