Want to help? Please consider sending $1 or more to this Monero address.
We'll use every penny to buy and share everything from Fakku.
We can buy and share more of this if we receive help from more people. One dollar or more will make a huge difference.
Monero address: **42UBNZGitirdmSfvkkLAyp34ju5f4JXmjJXHzPnpWBgXhjjvDZxmke66qjRND8fxex4ig12AKRszz3wY2M4XNc4i8ahMr7d**
[Or scan this QR code if you don't want to copy paste that address.](https://files.catbox.moe/wtekxl.png)
Don't have Monero? Use MorphToken or any other crypto swap service.
**Always send Monero from your wallet**, and never from any exchange site.
The address is valid and will be automatically edited out of this description if I haven't touched my phone for more than 2 days.
This may look like a bad comment but it isnt and im sorry if i said something bad, but I read that the collection has a extra/special page for every doujin there, and i think there are 2 missing, being the 1st and 3rd doujin.
@uguysdonthavelife He's been demanding people to buy shit for a while now. It's annoying. The funny thing is that I have some of the stuff he's begging for and I would've shared it if he kept his mouth shut. Leechers need to learn it the hard way.
Comments - 8