極限痴漢特異点 Ver.1.01
ブランド / Brand:アストロノーツ・シリウス
発売日 / Release Date:2020/08/28
ファイルサイズ / File Size:1.88GB
Provided by 2DJGAME.NET
紹介ページ / Information:http://www.astronauts.co.jp/sirius/emt/index.html
紹介ページ / Information:http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=1093006
紹介ページ / Information:https://www.mikocon.com/thread-47631-1-1.html│ bishoujo
Comments - 3
Hey there! Thanks as always! I never really commented here since I tend to figure out how to fix any issues without bothering people, but this time I’m at a loss. Everytime I start the file, I get stuck on the “warning” sign and can’t go further. I’ve tried re-changing locale, running a locale emulator, changing compatibility settings etc, nothing worked. Anyone got any idea what the problem might be? Thanks!
@cactusRcool Had the same issue. Ended up changing the name of the folder from Japanese to English. That kickstarted the game for me. If that isn’t enough, I’d also suggest fiddling with your time and language format settings and changing it to Japanese. If you are on Windows 10, its pretty straight forward and language swaps only require signs out instead of restarts.
@LonerPrime Thank you so much!! Changing the time format made it work! It’s such an oddly specific factor, since I already had the region setting as japanese anyway, just not the time format lol. Really appreciate it dude, hope you have an awesome day!