Title: Koukishin Ousei Shoujo "Nee, Oji-san… Watashi ni Ecchi na Itazura Shite Mitai?"
Original title: こうきしんおうせい少女「ねぇ、おじさん……わたしにエッチないたずらしてみたい?」
Length: Short (2 - 10 hours)
Year: Japan 2019-01-16, English Patch 2020-06-17
Developer: Studio Gaudi
Publishers: Studio Gaudi
Language: English
Voice: Not voiced
Translation: EvoRobot
“Oh … oh … Someone play with me, please …”
Shina-chan’s head is full of horny delusions. Eventually masturbation just wasn’t enough, and now she is spending her days in frustration.
It is your job to satisfy her desires.
Many lolicon strangers lurk inside the city. What sort of fate lies ahead for her?
!!! fixed MTL
Comments - 1
I heard sirens