Onii Kiss: Onii-chan, Where’s My Kiss? / Onii-chan, Kiss no Junbi wa Mada Desu ka? / お兄ちゃん、キッスの準備はまだですか? [English]

2019-09-24 23:16
File size:
5.9 GiB
Info hash:

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Title: Onii-chan, Kiss no Junbi wa Mada Desu ka?
Original title: お兄ちゃん、キッスの準備はまだですか?
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Year: Japan 2016-04-28, English Version 2019-09-24
Developer: Tinkle Position
Publishers: Sol Press
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Uncensored/No Mosaics

“Onii-chan, let’s kiss a whole lot today, okay?”

I was still a child when I noticed something was off about our house rules. Perhaps thanks to the influence of our mother, the kiss demon, my four sisters and I would take pretty much any excuse we could to share a kiss.

Good morning kisses, goodnight kisses, and of course, kisses before picking up a call or going to the bathroom. Since they were all girls and I was the only man in the house, the rules said they had to kiss me.

But one day, I was forced to move to a separate house in order to study. My sisters were supposed to bring me a late-night snack to help me focus on my studies, but when the time came to decide who would do it, strife ensued. Thanks to that, a new house rule was introduced:

“The one who gets the most kisses today gets to bring Onii-chan his snack!”

And so, the sweetness of my kiss-filled life with my precious little sisters grew a little more intense. Would this be the start of a new stage in our loving family life? Would I deepen my bond with one of them, or…?

Source: Sol Press and JAST USA


  1. No need to install.

!!! You’ll need to use only one of the following Bug-fix Patches:

  • Unofficial Patch for a bug that throws you back to the main menu after the common route: https://workupload.com/file/Uxmmqr9u - Extract in the game folder next to the exe file. /Leaving this here just in case someone have problems with the Official Patch./
  • Official Bug-fix Patch: https://solpress.co/blog/739/onii-kiss-update-patch - “Successfully updated games should state that Patch 2.01 was applied under Settings>Codes. Additionally, you can use onii-kiss-krkrz.exe when launching the game for increased performance. Just drop into the game folder, and replace if prompted.” & Onii-Kiss 2.02 Patch: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/626087465890873344/629368985535643656/patch2.zip - “The issue making the harem route impossible to complete when not using the kissing game has been resolved and was available for a few months now.”
  • Third Person Speech Patch: https://vndb.org/r66501 - "Edits the script to show Saya’s third person speech quirk present in the original Japanese release.
    Includes all the fixes from the Official Bug-fix Patch. Just drop into the game folder, and replace if prompted."
    Thanks to Hones, noZA_ and Twistty for the links!

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File list

  • Onii Kiss Onii-chan, Where's My Kiss
    • plugin
      • AlphaMovie.dll (154.0 KiB)
      • KAGParserEx.dll (196.0 KiB)
      • PackinOne.dll (325.0 KiB)
      • extNagano.dll (236.0 KiB)
      • extrans.dll (232.0 KiB)
      • getSample.dll (96.0 KiB)
      • k2compat.dll (93.0 KiB)
      • kagexopt.dll (27.0 KiB)
      • krmovie.dll (272.0 KiB)
      • kztouch.dll (120.0 KiB)
      • layerExDraw.dll (344.0 KiB)
      • lzfs.dll (65.5 KiB)
      • menu.dll (136.0 KiB)
      • multiimage.dll (206.0 KiB)
      • psbfile.dll (184.0 KiB)
      • textrender.dll (196.5 KiB)
      • varfile.dll (75.0 KiB)
      • win32dialog.dll (295.0 KiB)
      • win32ole.dll (224.0 KiB)
      • windowEx.dll (209.0 KiB)
      • wuopus.dll (274.5 KiB)
      • wuvorbis.dll (196.0 KiB)
    • adult.xp3 (18.5 KiB)
    • bgimage.xp3 (227.8 MiB)
    • data.xp3 (346.5 MiB)
    • evimage.xp3 (1.5 GiB)
    • evimage2.xp3 (1.8 GiB)
    • fgimage.xp3 (374.7 MiB)
    • onii-kiss.exe (3.6 MiB)
    • video.xp3 (774.0 MiB)
    • voice.xp3 (967.5 MiB)

Thanks again superelmo!

Gonna wait for some mentally challenged anon to make a patch that replaces every “oni-chan” with “dude, broski, broseph or bruh”.

@Molester who the hell did and like it?

Okay, so the game keeps throwing me back to the title screen when I get to the part that says, “This will be the last decision” regardless of what choices I make.
Is this a problem anyone else is having?

superelmo (uploader)


Yes, a bug. Have to wait for a fix.

Should have been called “Broski, Where’s My Canoodle?”. Damn weebs these days…

superelmo (uploader)


Thanks, that fixed the bug. It’s not throwing back to the main menu after the common route anymore. Gonna post a backup of the patch in the description. Just extract in the game folder next to the exe file.
The patch is breaking the code input in the settings menu. You’ll have to move the patch file outside of the game folder, start the game and then input the codes if you want to unlock the extras. After inputting the codes you can move the patch file back inside the game folder.

superelmo (uploader)


Another patch that fixes the code input without the need to move the first patch out of the game folder. You can find it in the mega folder - https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2811770#com-8. I’ll post a backup in the description.

so you only need this patch https://workupload.com/file/Uxmmqr9u and nothing else, right? Cuz there are 2 patches in the mega folder.

So Uh which patch should we use., the mega has 3 patches. Should we apply them all?

I guess it’s https://workupload.com/file/Uxmmqr9u
It contains both patches, isn’t it?

@RinzImpulse I don’t know if thats the case for this game as well.But damn,he’s right because in 9-nine ep2 we saw that BS again.
Well I really hope it won’t happen anymore.

superelmo (uploader)


lucascba93: The Mega folder was updated. You’ll only need to download the patch.zip archive and then extract both patch.xp3 and patch2.xp3 in the game folder. The backup link in the description is the same.

how to unlock the extras / codes to unlock extras

Uncensored XD

New - Onii Kiss Update Patch
We’re pleased to announce that the official bugfix patch for Onii Kiss is now available.
You can download it @ https://solpress.co/blog/739/onii-kiss-update-patch
Additionally, you can use onii-kiss-krkrz.exe when launching the game for increased performance.

Game keeps crashing after the first CG in the harem route have all current bux fixes installed.

Elocia - Try removing all previous patches - patch.xp3 files - except the adult.xp3 (unaffected 18+ patch)
And use only the Official Patch @ https://solpress.co/blog/739/onii-kiss-update-patch

Hey Twistty removed all other patch data except official. http://prntscr.com/pb693y that is the error I’m still getting.

Elocia - That’s a Microsoft Visual C++ ERROR.
Try this one - 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
Might need the others as well? 2012…
But try that package first.

At my end I only got the 2015-2019 and 2012 packages and game runs just fine tho I’m on windows 7 64 bit ultimate. If on 64 bit OS you’ll need both 32 and 64 bit packages installed. And as always have updated video codec packs too (through k-lite or something)


Patch available, edits the script to show Saya’s third person speech quirk present in the original Japanese release. Includes all the fixes from the official patch from Sol Press (v2.01). Just drop into the game folder, and replace if prompted.

For those interested
Direct Link / If link is ever down head here https://vndb.org/r66501

There’s also a… masaic patch for those that prefer that too, visit here for that https://vndb.org/r66481

Thanks for this superelmo


Secret Codes List: http://txt.do/10849

This link won’t loading, or probably blocked by my ISP(?)…
Can you copy that codes to paste on PasteBin.com

superelmo (uploader)


Secret Codes:
“kiss” - Opening movie unlocked!
“klutz” - Asahi ending movie unlocked!
“sweet” - Mahiru ending movie unlocked!
“surprise” - Yayoi ending movie unlocked!
“smoochie” - Saya ending movie unlocked!
“love” - Harem ending movie unlocked!
“passion” - Tachibana Mao’s comments unlocked!
“caring” - Tsuruya Haruto’s comments unlocked!
“dramatic” - Yuzuhara Miu’s comments unlocked!
“mischief” - Suzuya Maya’s comments unlocked!
“chess” - K-Ko’s art unlocked!
“ball” - Sakura Misaki’s art unlocked!
“stamina” - Harem route unlocked

@harthfield No…
It’s a Kusoge aka Moege

@Mercurius616 Oof, edgy. Cearful, don’t cut yourself with it.

@superelmo Thanks for the upload.

@Twistty I still got the same problem as @Elocia even after installing all the packages, anything else I can try? Thanks!

Nvm, got it fixed by having the kiss minigame turned on, for some reason it crashes when I got it as choices.

is the mother mini route included ?

So you need to use the code to unlock the Harem route? You can’t get the route on your own?

You can. Just complete all other routes first.

I unlocked the harem route via code, and played it, but an error struck after a scene and it crashed… care to enlighten me?

See if maybe changing the mini kiss game helps you. Seems some people are having it crash on them but when they switched that out it works fine. Maybe it’ll work for you.

I got this error while trying to start the game and dont know what to do my locale is japanese so I am not sure what unicode problem it has.

superelmo (uploader)


Yuumioka, you don’t need Japanese system locale to play this, so, not sure if it’ll work, but try changing system locale to English? Or try moving the game folder to the root directory of C.

@superelmo thanks worked changing locale to english.

good ass game
for once I’m actually feeling like paying for it

@olichad You aren’t alone man. I feel the same way.

In case folks don’t know in the extra menu > Scene Replay you can turn on the “Sister POV (point of view)” to “ON” and play the scene of your choice to get more dialogue from the imouto’s perspective that wasn’t in the main game.

Here’s some keyboard command from the game
esc = hide ui
f1 = shows game version
f2 = save
f3 = load
f4 = switch between fullscreen and window mode
f5 = backlog
f6 = auto mode
f7 = skip
f8 = config menu
f9 = nothing?
f10 = brings up game file menu for more options
f11 = quick save
f12 = quick load
space bar = continue dialogue
Alt + F4 = quit hame
mouse (left-click) = continue dialogue (obviously)
mouse (right-click) = hides ui

So, if I download the last patch “Third Person Speech Patch” I don’t need to download the other two, right? I also don’t need the “onii-kiss-krkrz.exe” from the Official Bug-fix Patch to launch the game, right?
And finally, the mosaic restoration patch link is down here and in vndb, if someone could share it again it would be great.

Thanks for the hard work superelmo.

@Dios It’s an optional patch if you want Saya’s quirky 3rd person speech.
The choice is yours how you want Saya to be read in English just know that the real one is her 3rd person speech going by the way her character voice speaks. If you use Saya’s 3rd person speech the bug fix is already included within in which is version 2.01.

If you do not use the Saya’s 3rd person speech you will need the official bugfix patch which will make the game version 2.01.
The onii-kiss-krkrz will make the game run faster if my memory is correct. I forgot where I got that info from but if you have issues with it don’t use it simple as that.

This torrent runs on version 2.0 I believe. So I’d grab all of them since the file is small anyways.

Onii-Kiss 2.02 Patch:

source: https://solpress.co/blog/793/psa-corona-virus-and-onii-kiss-patch

We also have a small patch for Onii-Kiss. The issue making the harem route impossible to complete when not using the kissing game has been resolved and was available for a few months now.

Due to covid, Sol Press has to stop doing VN’s either indefinete or temporary, so guess no sequel of this game nor potential shot at Onii-chan, Asa made Zutto Gyutte Shite! https://vndb.org/v22345 :(

Amazing work! Will apply the patches for sure!

I know it’s been 2 years+ now, but I do hope for the other games to get translated someday.

https://vndb.org/v22345 (Onii-chan, Asa made Zutto Gyutte Shite!)

https://vndb.org/v20003 (Onii-chan, Kiss no Junbi wa Mada Desu ka? Ecchi no Junbi mo Mada Desu ka?)

Thank You!!

Can someone upload a copy of onii-kiss-krkrz.exe since the site is down now?