**Title**: Gedou Mahou Shoujo Rinne ~Akuin Akka~
**Original title**: 外道魔法少女りんね ~悪淫悪化~
**Length**: Short (2 - 10 hours)
**Year**: Japan 2017-05-26, English Version 2019-03-22
**Developer**: Valkyria
**Publishers**: Valkyria
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Japanese
1. No need to install.
2. "The application may not function unless a Japanese language pack is set properly in your PC / the System Locale is set to Japanese." -DLsite
Er... the gloomy part of Rinne does not have H scenes, only her vile version has. That is if you take aside a certain (and my fav) route which does not quite show her gloomy but rather...~
Well, anyway, excellent choice for a Valkyria work, albeit it is sadly rather short with only 3 endings and about 20 HCG&Scenes.
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