元ヤン奥さんとギャル娘ちゃん~召しませ母娘丼~ DL版
ブランド / Brand: 平安亭
発売日 / Release Date: 2019/01/24
ファイルサイズ / File Size: 654MB
Use RAR 5.0 archive format, WinRAR 5.x or 7-zip requested.
紹介ページ / Information: http://syuntada.com/nao/motoyangal.html
紹介ページ / Information: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ243809
紹介ページ / Information: https://bbs.mikocon.com/thread-38719-1-1.html │ bishoujo
Comments - 2
Somehow, the fullscreen resolution is stretching to far and cutting some of the image… Any idea what is causing this?
Update: Seems to be a problem with the executable. Solved it by using the executable from the previous game.